Sign this Guest Book, Please!


The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 10 People.

The Age of My Next Birthday

18? agak tua ya -__-

A Place I'd Like to Travel To
Subhanallah gue pengen bet naik haji :)

Favourite Place

rumah dooonnngg

Favourite Food
beef teriyaki hmmmm

Favourite Things

my diary and my photo album

red and yellow

The City Where I was Born


A City Which I Have Ever Lived In

Jakarta dan Bekasi

A Nick Name I Have


College Major

Stan, Fakultas Ekonomi :)

Name of My Love
secret! hahahaha apaan sih

A Bad Habbit

emotional! eeerrrrrr

A Hobby

study! hahahahah percaya kan ya?

ga tau harus tag ke siapa, kayaknya udah pada punya dan gue yang paling telat :/ tapi yang ini kayaknya belom deh Hania Alifa Adzhani, dicoba ya!

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